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fitting in pt4 by w oo t-d8x6gmu

fitting_in_pt4_by_w_oo_t-d8x6gmu.png candydance rev1Thumbnailsfitting in pt3 by w oo t-d8vxk2wcandydance rev1Thumbnailsfitting in pt3 by w oo t-d8vxk2w

Gabriela looked like a roast that just came out of the oven, her succulent caramel skin glazed with a slick mix of sweat and sunscreen. She was broiling in the heat. "I think I might have overdone it with all this wedded bliss." Her hands slid down her chunky silhouette, squeezing each roll of insulation along their path, finally stopping, fingers curled under where her heavy belly overlapped her thighs. She improved her grip and lifted, hoping the dampness trapped there would evaporate and cool her, but the air was too humid. She dropped her gut in frustration and it high-fived her lap. "Whatever happened to the skinny thing you first dated?"

He embraced her from behind- an increasingly tricky maneuver given the size of her ass. He spoke softly so only his wife could hear. "I'll tell you the tale. There once was a beautiful woman who wanted to appease her dumb boyfriend's relatives. The Ludsons were hearty folk, so she ate a plate of their food even though she didn't really like it. Then she graciously said 'yes' when her boyfriend asked her to marry him. Her tastes changed, and she brought an increased appetite to the second reunion, impressing all, even herself. So nobody was surprised when she showed up for the third reunion bigger and hungrier. By then her size was no longer about trying to win the Ludson's approval- she knew she had that, and she was glad that she did, but she simply wanted more for herself because being large wasn't enough. Unfortunately, she ran into a limit: she needed to fit into her wedding dress."

Gabriela's eyelids drooped as if she was being read a lulling bedtime story. "Grr- I hated that part."

"Yes. The dress was evil. Even though she told the tailor to inflate the measurements, and even though she tried eating less, at a great cost to her sanity, the dress was still cruelly tight by the time it arrived. Strap and girdle makers were employed from across the land to minimize her evermore bountiful frame. She could barely breathe, could barely manage to croak out an 'I do,' but somehow she survived the ceremony without fainting. She had her revenge upon the wicked garment at the reception, when she split its seams by gorging herself silly with a scandalous amount of banquet food. Later that night, she pressed her new husband into the mattress of their marriage bed with the weight of her full stomach. She straddled him and said she was going to let herself go. She wanted to get fat. No- she wanted to become enormous."

"You seem to be enjoying that memory now as much as you did then." Gabriela smirked as she felt her husband hotdogging her buns. She gave him a discreet roll of her hips as a reward.

It forced him to clench his jaw before continuing. "And so she did, starting with the week-long buffet of their honeymoon cruise. She gained so much weight in such a short amount of time that the airline demanded she pay for an extra ticket home. The attendants at the gate mistook her red-faced arousal for embarrassment. I believe she still keeps the two stubs in her purse as a memento."

Gabriela squeaked. "I didn't know that my husband was an awful little spy!" She saw no one was looking, so she put her hands on her hips and mashed her flabby cheeks together to trap and punish his erection.

He decoupled milliseconds before making a mess in his shorts. "Andshelivedhappilyeveraftertheend."

"Hmm. All-in-all pretty good, though you need to work on a more satisfying ending."

"I promise I'll finish tonight."

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