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jill series 06 by berserker1133

jill_series_06_by_berserker1133.jpg jill series 05 by berserker1133Thumbnailsjill series 07 by berserker1133jill series 05 by berserker1133Thumbnailsjill series 07 by berserker1133

By September, our beloved fat Jill visited her mother. It had been almost 6 months since she saw her from last time due to the long

distance that separates Miami (where Jill lived) from San Antonio (her mother’s home).

When Jill’s mother finally saw her little daughter, she got shocked. She couldn’t believe how fat her pretty princess had become. Jill

was now a plus 200lbs fat porker.

The two weeks that Jill spent on her mother’s, she tried to talk Jill into some sense, open her eyes about how fat she was getting… But

Jill didn’t listen to her, she only ate and ate and asked for more food, more homemade cookies and bigger portions of her moms high

calorie Texas diet. She spent the 2 weeks being a couch potato, eating like there was no tomorrow… Jill was doing a challenge for her

website, which was about gaining as much weight as possible during her vacations. She couldn’t wait to get to Miami and start recording

again to show her fans the impact of her eating habits during holidays.

When Jill left to Miami, she was at least 10 pounds heavier than before…and her mother had the feeling, that she would be much fatter

when she would see her again in Christmas.

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